Nathaniel Sanchez

Nathaniel was born and raised on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. From an early age, he was intrigued by airplanes watching as they flew over his home arriving and departing Honolulu International Airport. Sparking a passion in aviation and a desire to travel the world, he...

Emmanuele Pero

Emmanuele, born and raised in Italy, discovered his passion for culinary arts in his homeland. As an Italian chef, he takes pride in crafting delectable dishes that reflect his rich cultural heritage. When he’s not in the kitchen, he enjoys exploring the natural...

Matthew Sparacino

Matt is no stranger to aviation with 22 years of experience as a Flight Attendant. He recently decided to pursue his passion for flying, this time, on the  inside of the flight deck door. He is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys climbing, backpacking and skiing in the...

Michael Phillippi

Michael, a Minnesota native, was introduced to the aviation industry at a very young age as his parents worked for Northwest Airlines. Post high school, he enlisted in the Army, where he further cultivated his love for airplanes by jumping out of them while assigned...

Alex Bullock

Alex Bullock was born and raised in Utah before moving to Colorado in 2018. Initially in Software Sales, he took COVID as the chance to pursue his dreams of aviation and hasn’t looked back since! He has spent the majority of his aviation career in Colorado with time...