Asante Day - Flight Instructor

Bay Area Flying Club

Flight Instructor: CFI
Certificates Held: Commercial Single Engine Land, Commercial Multi Engine Land, Instrument Rated
Education: Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus, Mesa, AZ
Imagine this: you’ve just graduated from high school, standing at the crossroads of life, uncertain about your path. College looms ahead, and the thought of entering as “Undeclared” isn’t exactly inspiring. So, you take a moment to reflect on your passions and interests, searching for that spark. Then, like a light flickering to life, one cherished memory, one profound experience stands out, becoming the crux of your decision.

And so, we come to the story of Asanté Day.

Having earned his degree from Arizona State University, Asanté’s journey as an aviator first took flight after that unforgettable experience during high school. His unwavering aspiration is to take the skies, uncovering the hidden treasures that lie scattered across the globe.

Beyond the realm of aviation, Asanté dives into an array of hobbies. Whether he’s delving into the arts and literature, engaging in mentally exhilarating chess matches, hitting the skatepark with the biggest pop shuv-its you have ever seen, or indulging in captivating tabletop card games, his curiosity knows no bounds.

An active member of the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP), a nonprofit dedicated to uplifting minorities in aviation, and the Golden Gate Flyers, an all-embracing community of pilots and aviation enthusiasts in the local Bay Area, Asanté’s involvement speaks volumes about his commitment to the field.

Regardless of whether you’re a novice taking flight for the first time or a seasoned pilot with countless hours in the cockpit, Asanté aspires to enrich your understanding of the pilot’s journey.

For him, it’s not merely about being in the airplane; it’s about crafting stories that extend beyond the aircraft, stories meant to be shared with fellow adventurers.

“Adventure is out there” ~ Ellie, Up

5 useful questions to ask an instructor:

Why did you become a flight instructor?
Regardless of the answer, the way an instructor talks about why they fly is what is important. Look for someone that is excited by teaching. They should have a genuine interest in giving others the gift of flight.

How long have you been flight instructing?
Some Instructors have thousands of hours under their belts and have been flight instructing for their entire careers. Others have a few hundred and are just beginning. A seasoned instructor will have a lot of experience but may have a set teaching style. A freshly minted instructor has less aircraft time but is able to relate to common learning obstacles, having undergone their own flight training in the not too distant past. There are advantages to both types of instructor.

How do you keep track of your student’s progress?
Using a syllabus is essential so that both student and instructor can track progress and milestones so make sure your instructor uses one. Talk to other students and ask them what kind of reading their doing, what books they’re using and the type of homework they’re getting. There should ALWAYS have some type of “homework” assignment at the end of each lesson.

What is your availability?
Some instructors are part-time and work separate jobs during the week. Others are full-time, but may want to have personal and family time on the weekends. Find an instructor with compatible availability. Flying at least twice a week is the best way to progress quickly through accomplishments with less effort and less overall costs. Choosing an instructor that is able to fly on the same schedule helps to keep flight training on a consistent path.

I’ve heard people talk about “stalling an airplane.” Can you tell me what it means?
This is a classic question. Regardless of knowing what an “aircraft stall” is or not, how an instructor explains this concept will give great insight into how they can explain concepts. Are they patient? Do they use simple terminology that is easy to understand? Do they ask questions to make sure their student understands, or do they over simplify to brush off the question? Find an instructor whose instructing style is a good match.