Kyle Heidt

Kyle began flying after his freshman year of college and got his private pilot license.  Kyle has since earned his Commercial Single Engine Land, Instrument rating, and now Flight Instructor rating. He is also attending an online program through Embry Riddle to...

Matt Liles

Originally intending to pursue Aerospace Engineering, Matt moved to Denver in 2019 from New Mexico to attend Metropolitan State University of Denver. Shortly into his studies, he decided that being in a cockpit was far more enjoyable than being in an office and...

Andrew Shacker

Andrew is a Professional Engineer at the Lawrence Livermore Lab. He came to Bay Area Flying Club to pursue his interest in aviation, completing both his instrument and commercial ratings there. Andrew is most excited about coming back to teach at the school that...

Emily Scott

After working many years in both the Service industry and Automotive industry, Emily decided to pursue her love for travel by entering into the enchanting world of Aviation! In 2017 she was hired by Jeppesen/Boeing as a General Aviation Sales Consultant while...

Mike Kapner

Mike grew up in Colorado and attended the University of Colorado Boulder where he earned a degree in Civil Engineering. After working in the industry for a few years, he decided to pursue his passion of aviation. Mike completed his flight training at Western Air and...