Jeffrey Dean

Jeff’s passion for aviation was sparked at an early age, like most people, through the movie Top Gun. His military experience in the Army furthered that passion. After leaving the service, Jeff started to obtain his Pilot Ratings while working as a paramedic and...

Heidi Nam

Heidi started flying in August of 2019. She’s had a passion for aviation ever since she was in 8th grade. On her first trip in a Boeing 777, Heidi knew she wanted to be a pilot. Heidi love inspiring new pilots and takes pride in guiding them to their...

Don White

Don is a CFI, CFII, MEI, AGI, IGI. He graduated Southern Illinois University with a Bachelors in Aviation Management and served in the Marine Corps and Colorado Army National Guard. He has an ATP AMEL with type ratings in 737, A320 and the good old Hansa Jet (HF32)...

Randy Hedges

Inspired to fly by his Air Force uncle who flew an Ercoupe (Google it!!) based in southern New Mexico, Randy obtained his private pilot certificate in 1982 at Arapahoe County Airport. Randy has flown high performance and advanced aircraft throughout the United States....

Nelson Wolfmeier

Nelson grew up in Thornton, Colorado before joining the United States Air Force. He served 20 years and was stationed in England, Idaho, Korea, Alaska, and Utah.  Nelson is originally from Colorado and learned to fly in Alaska. He has flown survey, cargo, and part...