Austin White

Austin gained his passion for aviation, at a young age, from his dad.  Austin’s dad worked at Alaska Airlines for over 36 years in Juneau, Alaska.  After graduating from The University of Alaska, Austin worked a corporate job until he decided to move down to...

Alex Hetrick

Alex grew up near the McMinnville Airport where his passion for flying started by watching the airplanes fly over his backyard. He moved after high school and started flight training at the Aurora airport while also attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. In...

Jeffery Marshall

Jeffrey has always loved aircraft and the idea of flying.  However, in his 30’s he started to experience anxiety about flying and thought the best way to deal with it was to learn to fly.  So, he got his Private Pilot’s License and has loved it ever since....

Rob Bassett

After 20 years in Operations/Business Management, Rob still caught himself staring up to watch airplanes fly overhead and thinking, “Why can’t I do that”? With his amazing family’s support, Rob decided no more wishing and took a leap, left the...

Michael Johnson

Michael’s father was the most senior 767 captain at United out of LAX, and his passion for aviation started at a young age. At the age of 17 he received his Private Pilot Certificate. From the age of 18-24, Michael did not have much time for flying as he was a...