Introduction to Aerobatics

Aerobatics are a fun and challenging way to explore the true capabilities of both pilot and aircraft. 

* Size and weight limitations due apply for all aerobatic experiences.  Please contact the location for details.

“The Aerobatic Experience” – $399

  • 1hr ground brief and preparation
  • 1hr (Hobbs) flight in Xtreme Decathlon

If you just want to give aerobatics a try and see if you might be interested in continuing further, this is the package for you. It starts with an hour of ground brief with your instructor, where you become familiar with the Xtreme Decathlon, the safety equipment, and plan the maneuvers you will be flying. While those can be customized to your interests, but will typically include spins and recoveries, inverted flight, loops, rolls, and hammerheads. If you wish, your instructor will guide you through flying some of those maneuvers yourself, although the limited time of this package does not allow us to teach you to properly fly each of these maneuvers.  

“The Ultimate Aerobatic Experience” – $759

  • 1hr ground brief and preparation
  • 1hr (Hobbs) flight in Extra 330LX

This package has the same length and structure as ”The Aerobatic Experience”, but is flown in an Extra 330LX-an Unlimited category aerobatic airplane. It will get you to the practice area much faster, leaving more time for the fun stuff. Not for the faint of heart, in this package we will add some more advanced and freestyle maneuvers, such as torque rolls, tailslides, and tumbles. We are not responsible for the permanent grin on your face for the rest of the day after this super-adrenaline-filled flight!

“2-hour Upset Recovery Introduction” – $985

  • 2hr ground brief and preparation
  • 2hr of ground school
  • 2hr (Hobbs) flight in Xtreme Decathlon

This class is designed to be completed in a day, and it will make you proficient in recovering the airplane from any attitude. You will be comfortable intentionally entering spins and recovering from them confidently and on desired heading. We will also fly slips and skids and demonstrate how those uncoordinated conditions lead to inadvertent spin entries. You will also practice how to recover from inadvertent wake turbulence encounters by “rolling with the flow”. Recommended for any private pilot, or a student pilot in advanced stages of their training, this class will raise your confidence with unusual attitude recovery to a dramatically higher level.

“2-hour Upset Recovery Introduction – Extra Option” – $1895

  • 2hr ground brief and preparation
  • 2hr of ground school
  • 2hr (Hobbs) flight in Extra 330LX

This class is similar to the above but is flown in an Extra 330LX. Because of the airplane’ s higher capabilities, we will also teach you to recover from some more advanced unusual attitude recoveries, such as those resulting from vertical rolls, knife-edge spins and tumbles.

“6-hour Upset Recovery and Basic Aerobatics” – $2545

  • 3hr ground brief and preparation
  • 6hr of ground school
  • 5hr (Hobbs) flight in Xtreme Decathlon
  • 1hr (Hobbs) flight in Extra 330LX

The ultimate in efficient learning and fun! In this class we start with the unusual attitude rec over curriculum, but then move into flying basic aerobatic maneuvers one would encounter in Primary and Sportsman categories of competition. In this class, we employ advanced immersive video and VR technology during the ground lessons. That way, you don’t merely brief the maneuvers to be flown, you actually see them. We see common mistakes and ways to correct them before we even get in the air. As a result, your flight time is optimized – you have literally seen it all on the ground, in the air you can focus on practicing it. Our time flying straight-and-level will be minimal, leaving the maximum time possible for the “fun stuff”.

At the end of this class you will be ready to compete at the Primary level, and your work in this class can be used towards a checkout for solo aerobatic flight privileges in the Xtreme Decathlon.

Your graduating flight will be in an Extra 330LX, where you can experience aerobatic performance at a considerably higher level, and get a taste of maneuvers flown in the higher categories of competition and at airshows.

“6-hour Upset Recovery and Basic Aerobatics – Extra Option” – $4995

  • 3hr ground brief and preparation
  • 6hr of ground school
  • 6hr (Hobbs) flight in Extra 330LX

The ultimate in efficient learning and fun! In this class we start with the unusual attitude recovery curriculum, but then move into flying basic aerobatic maneuvers one would encounter in Primary and Sportsman categories of competition. In this class, we employ advanced immersive video and VR technology during the ground lessons. That way, you don’t merely brief the maneuvers to be flown, you actually see them. We see common mistakes and ways to correct them before we even get in the air. As a result, your flight time is optimized – you have literally seen it all on the ground, in the air you can focus on practicing it. Our time flying straight-and-level will be minimal, leaving the maximum time possible for the “fun stuff”.

At the end of this class you will be ready to compete at the Primary level, and your work in this class can be used towards a checkout for solo aerobatic flight privileges in the Xtreme Decathlon.