Finance Your Flight Training
First – Know your credit score and history. If you have good credit then getting approved for financing can be an easy process. If you don’t have good credit or limited credit history then you should be prepared to have a co-signer ready to help you complete the financing application.
Second – Consider enrolling in an aviation college or university. While most schools do not offer the flight training portion of your education, they do provide access to low interest federal student loan programs. Often payments are deferred until after graduation or dis-enrollment. American Flight Schools is a Flight Training Affiliate with multiple university programs that offer both in-person and online degree programs so you can earn both a degree and the necessary ratings for a Professional Pilot career.
Third – Consider applying for an aviation scholarship from a variety of groups. We have included a list of flight training scholarships that you may want to consider. While the flight training financing options are varied, this list is not inclusive of all scholarships that may be available and we encourage you to look at all available local flight groups and organizations.

Your Aviation Dreams Start Here
You’re not just a number, and it shows with Stratus. We look beyond the typical FICO scores and look at
you as a whole aviator. We want to set you up for success before you even apply with us!
We offer exceptional lending packages, including:
- The best rate you’ll get anywhere to go from zero to hero!
- Full financing for your entire flight training and more
- Affordable payment options, including deferment for 12 months while you complete your training AND find a job.
- Pay your loan off any time you want with no consequences or penalties whatsoever.
Stratus Has You Covered For Resources For Your Aviation Career
- Counseling with our team of flight instructors and ground instructors to support you through flight training, check rides and interviews with airlines.
- Resume reviewing, editing, and building
- AMA Phone Calls with Pilots in the 121 and 135 Industry – What It’s like, How They Got Their Job, etc.
We look forward to helping you achieving your aviation dreams and seeing you in the sky!
If you are interested in getting started, please click here to apply now.